Writer, translator, tutor & communications professional

About Me
I'm currently studying an MA in Creative Writing (Prose Fiction) with a Bright Futures Scholarship at UEA, the UK's oldest creative writing programme.
My fiction has appeared in: Oxford Failed Novelists Society's 'Failed Anthology', (mic)ro(mic), Flash Flood, Bending Genres, Riggwelter, Writers Resist, Nightingale & Sparrow and [kon] paper. I won a DAAD prize for creative writing in German, and co-organised two informal writing groups in Berlin. I was also commissioned to write a short story for the Sci-Fi Economics Lab, and had another story shortlisted for the Hammond House International Literary Prize 2022.
I was born in Oxford but lived in Berlin until 2024, when I gained German citizenship. I have mostly worked in communications for non-profits, most recently the humanitarian NGO SOS Humanity, including a mission in the Mediterranean on board the rescue ship Humanity 1.
Besides writing, I can be found singing choral music, searching for the perfect full English breakfast, (still) moaning about Brexit or exploring abandoned buildings.
I'm currently working on short stories and the draft of a novel.